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Taylor Elyse Morrison


Any Movement Can Be Mindful Movement

Feb 22, 2021
Taylor Elyse Morrison

Any Movement Can Be Mindful Movement

Ever since I created the Inner Workout practice, I move differently. I move mindfully, and I truly believe that any movement can be mindful movement.

What is mindful movement?

I pulled this definition of mindful movement from Pilates.com : "Mindful movement is exercise performed with awareness. It involves mental focus, to train your body to move optimally through both athletic activities and everyday life."

The beauty of this definition is that it speaks to both training for a 5k and walking to the mailbox. Awareness makes any movement more meaningful.

The Science of Mindful Movement

I checked the research of bringing awareness to your movement, and this meta-analysis had some compelling findings.

Just thinking about doing a movement can help you build strength, albeit not as much strength as physically doing the movement.

When you engage with a movement both mentally and physically, you'll get more out of it. That's pretty sweet.

Three Ways to Move More Mindfully

Bring your mind and body to the same place

My friend Amelia talks about her mind catching up to her body and vice versa. How might you bring your full self into a movement practice? Perhaps you take a few deep breaths to settle in.

Slow down if you need to

My friend Amelia talks about her mind catching up to her body and vice versa. How might you bring your full self into a movement practice? Perhaps you take a few deep breaths to settle in.

Don't compartmentalize

Inner Workout and yoga and pilates aren't the only mind-body practices. You can make any movement a mindful movement. Simply add awareness.

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