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Taylor Elyse Morrison


Reflection Before Resolutions

Dec 14, 2020
Taylor Elyse Morrison

Reflection Before Resolutions

Before we dive into the blog post, it’s survey season! I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make Be School even better. Please take a minute to share your thoughts:


We all want 2021 to be better than 2020. 

In our rush to think about what’s next, we might miss out on a prime opportunity to reflect.

This is something I’ve personally done more of in the past couple of years, and it makes all of the difference 

Start by looking at your calendar

One of the easiest ways to do this is to look at your calendar. As Annie Dillard said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” 

Notice where your time went. Who did you hang out with? What projects did you work on?

Reviewing my calendar is like stepping into a time capsule. I remember pieces of my year that I would have otherwise forgotten.

Then look at where you’ve been

Last year, someone mentioned that they write down their numbers at the end of the year, so I decided to do the same thing. I wrote down my bank account numbers and subscriber counts. I returned to them during my reflection process this year.

Our growth can happen so incrementally that we don’t realize that it’s happening. Anchor points make it easier for you to see how far you’ve come. It’s a built in cause for celebration.

Tune into how you felt 

I don’t journal daily, but I do journal regularly. The act of rereading gives me much needed perspective. I can see shifts as I turn the pages.

  • Notice how you spoke about people and situations. Can you identify any changes? Maybe what scared you a few months ago now feels routine. Maybe you’re experiencing similar emotions, like imposter syndrome, but they’re popping up in different situations. 
  • Identify your own moments of change and growth. 
  • Finally, integrate your gathered insights

What have you learned about yourself in the past year?

I dove into a couple of personality assessments that changed the way I saw myself.  I experienced my introversion differently in this COVID-19 world, and I became more aware of my personal values.

What do you know about yourself now that you didn’t know at the beginning of the year?

Before we dive into the blog post, it’s survey season! I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make Be School even better. Please take a minute to share your thoughts:


If you’re looking for more support in your reflection journey, check out these 18 Questions: https://taylorelyse.com/18-questions

Check the questions that help me set goals with intention.

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